Saturday, October 26, 2013

6th day of fever

We went for 3 rounds of blood test ever since Oliver has taken ill on Monday. This is really worrying. He had never taken so long to recover. The news of Somerset area being demarcated as zone red for dengue made the diagnose more difficult to tell. Oliver's platelets dropped from 129 to 89 on the second round of testing. Normal range is above 150.  Today, it went up slightly better at 102. Unfortunately, we could not determine the real cause as Oliver refused to allow the nurse to take more blood. He was hysterical when the needle pricked him. Poor boy, I have never seen him with such low energy level. Hope my dear boy can recover fast. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fever for the last three days

Hope Oliver recovers soon. He looked so frail.