Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Boon Heng!

Birthday celebration is becoming a challenge as each year passes. This year, Boon Heng birthday fall on a Saturday, and we took Friday to celebrate without the kids. Eat comfortably at our own pace. Once again, it took me quite a while to look for the ideal place to celebrate his birthday. However this time round, the restaurant which we ended up was totally different from what I had initially planned. Good thing is that it turn out to be the best choice.

At the eleventh hour.. it suddenly struck me that Charles and Yvonne mentioned there was a french restaurant in Keong Saik Road (Chinatown) which offered great french food. After doing a bit of online research and desperate sms to Yvonne, I managed to find the name of the restaurant - Nicolas Le Restaurant , and were lucky in getting a table for two, considering that the restaurant was quite small.

Boon Heng and I visit Keong Saik Road very often on Saturday morning for our dose of caffeine at the coffee shop. We almost thought of dressing casual, and I glad we didn't. The place was quite posh with even the server donning a suit. Usually, I prefer informal setting which we could talk and laugh really loud, not right here, got to hold back. It was not until a mother with a baby entering the restaurant that I started to feel more relaxed. I was impressed with mother and her baby who sat on the counter seat, especially the baby who sat on the seat for at least half an hour without making any noise. It took me almost to dessert time to realise that the mother and baby were actually family of the chef Nicolas Joanny, when I saw them mingled together.

Generally, I was quite impressed with the quality of food. Boon Heng had his favourite blue cheese and champage. Definitely a place which I would come back for more. Happy 3? Birthday to Boon Heng who still thinks he is early 30s.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oliver Omelette

Sophia and I went to this place that serves all they breakfast, without Oliver and Heidi so that we can have some peace. It's a place called Hatched and their menu revolved around eggs.

I ordered something from the Oliver Omelette series. Being egg lovers, I'm sure they will love the food there.

Taking pictures for passport

Proven very tough for a picture perfect shot.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Since Saturday night, Oliver has been having diarrhoea. I suspect that it might be the East Coast Waraku sushi, although it might be a virus as well.

Although he is still in good spirit, his stool is not. Strange that he seems quite ok in school, but once back home, he keeps wanting to go to the toilet. As many as seven or eight times before he sleeps. I am so tired of washing his backside.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Puffer fish

I always thought that puffer fish can only be found in Japan or elsewhere. If it is found in Singapore it is probably in some Jap restaurant. I've tried it once in a Jap restaurant at Robertson Quay, tasted like bak gua. Subsequently, I read that if the fish is not prepared properly, it can be lethal. Oh well...

We brought Oliver and Heidi to East Coast Park to cycle today, and as we reach the end of the long Bedok Jetty, I saw a few teenagers crowding around this uncle in blue. He was holding a puffer fish!

He seemed to be quite an experienced fisherman, and was friendly too as he showed the catch to curious onlookers. As he put the fish back into the styrofoam box, the puffer fish let out its breath and became just like any other fish. But the guy picked it up again, tickled it somewhere, and the fish inflated again. Once inflated, it looked like a cat or an owl. Amazing!

Thursday, April 1, 2010