Saturday, July 30, 2011

Craving for Porridge

There are some days which you just crave for a certain food. For me, it is porridge from any Restaurant, and not food centre. So off we go to Red Star Restaurant at Havelock Road. We are expecting hordes of people queuing up for the food. Little did we expect to have a table right away. No waiting for our growling stomach. With just the two of us and two kids, we ordered two bowls of porridge, two char siew buns, fried dumplings, prawns dumplings and siew mai, and ended off with desserts. The bill came up to about $40. Quite expensive, we thought. It is however a nice change instead of our usual hangout, since we have not visited Red Star for months. We are also quite overwhelmed with the attention of the friendly servers had showered over Oliver and Heidi.

Oliver loves swimming

Over the past few weeks, our pool has been our regular hangout. Managing Oliver and Heidi are easier these days. Boon Heng is able to cope with two kids in the pool. With the arm float, Oliver is very much on his own. He could jump into the pool and swim on his own without much hand holding. Heidi will probably take a while to pick up swimming, as she slowly building more confidence in water. For the months or even years which we did not make use of the pool, we have definitely fully utilised it these days.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Parent Volunteer

I used to laugh at parents who are kiasu, but now that Oliver is nearing P1, and reading the competitiveness of parents, it's inevitable that I become one.

So I sent in my PV form to River Valley Primary School last year. Somehow RVPS is quite appealing to us, as we stayed very near to the school before, and it is near the river, a place that we continue to visit during weekends.
My 2nd assignment after the band camp in the June holiday was for a Arts Fiesta. This was the first time that the school was organising it. The teacher-in-charge got a external supplier to provide some of the materials and ideas, and the 10 PVs manned the booths.

The one that I took charge of was doodling. Students during recess time came to my booth to doodle or draw on the 4 given templates with colourful markers, and could bring their masterpiece home if they wanted to. This is a sample drawn by a fellow PV. He is in the multimedia line and he is really very good at doodling. So good that many kids actually tried to copy what he drew.
The girl in uniform is Athena from P4.
This is her version of the monster/dinosaur. Really good with the colour of the teeth to illustrate that they are sharp, and the blood as well.
This girl is very friendly and came to my booth for all 3 days. Her name is Yue Ran from P2 and I learnt that she is from Shanghai, although she spoke with a Singlish accent. She has art lessons at home!
But the cutest is this girl from P2 called Cheng Hui. Unfortunately my iPhone is lousy and didn't have a good picture of her. She drew a Peanut Boy and a Peanut Girl the first time she came, and on the next day she drew Peanut Grandpa and Grandma. I called her the Peanut Girl.

I actually enjoyed the Arts Fiesta, and was totally exhausted in the evening after my first day.