Saturday, December 31, 2011

DIY Hairdo for New Year

Cutting Oliver's hair now is so easy... no more tears and screaming in the distant past. Not that we cut Oliver's hair that often though.
Still, we needed iPhone and vitamin sweet to keep him occupied.
This will be the last year that Oliver will have his signature floppy mop before he goes to P1 next year. I will dread the day that we had to cut it short.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Belated Birthday Celebration at Delcare

(Left to Right) Christopher, Edison, Caleb, Jun kiat, Yu Yuan, Oliver, Yun Xuan, Shania, Shanice, Tarryn, Boon Shuan, Clarrisa, Yi Jung and Cosmos

Homemade with lots of love...

Oliver's English Teacher, Ms Bernice

Sunday, December 11, 2011

K2 Classmates

We intend to hold a belated birthday celebration for Oliver in school on 13 Dec. But we somehow could not remember all the names of Oliver's class mates, including Oliver.
Boys (7)
Jun Kiat
Yu Yuan
Who is the missing boy? Finally found out who and surprisingly he was not around during Oliver's birthday celebration.

Girls (7)
Boon Shuan
Yun Xuan

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

First Swimming Lesson

Oliver clad in blue swim attire

Oliver was all ready for the first swimming lesson. He was eager to take the first plunge into the water, but somehow ended as the last person in the queue to swim. Not used to having goggles, he keeps taking his goggles out and trying to put them on. He obviously has a taking to water.