His fingers counting kept me so amused that I joked with my colleagues that Oliver can be a potential Muslim.
At around 430am today, Oliver cried and Boon Heng fed him milk. After drinking 3/4 of it,he refused to drink further and could not go back to sleep. I failed in my several attempts to lull him to sleep. Feeling tired and sleepy, I put him beside me. I was in a state of half sleep and half awake when I noticed Oliver raised both hands and moved his fingers as if he was counting them. He continued to count his fingers for almost 15 minutes and in my complete sleepy state of mind, I thought I saw him raised his feet to count them. unfortunately, he couldn't count his toes because he was wearing socks.
Now, why I say potential Muslim? Because Oliver woke up to eat and pray before the sun rises. Praying with his finger plays loh.. haha. Really amusing.