Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Byebye for now

Oliver has got the dreaded HFMD. It started with a couple of nights of fever over the weekend, but he was ok and was back to his active self during the day. We didn't think his slight loss of appetite and sometimes cranky mood was too unusual, because he's always like that.

When he went to school on Monday, his teacher spotted a little red dot in his mouth, but she can't ascertain if it is anything malicious. Then we got the news that Benjamin and Janelle have got HFMD. This, as far as we can recall, was the first time that the toddler and playgroup section was afflicted. Even a baby in the infant section got it this time.

Then today, Tuesday, Oliver went to school as usual. But at noon, I got a call from the school that Oliver was likely to be infected, and that Eri was also diagnosed with it today. I was told to quickly pick him up lest it spreads to other kids.

I met Jiajun's mum at the Delcare life lobby and learnt that Jiajun was turned away from Delcare this morning as he too has an ulcer in his mouth. Apparently he was also running a fever, although the doctor at Everton Clinic, which we often bring Oliver to for want of a more convenient and cheaper PD, said that it isn't HFMD for Jiajun. We find that a bit dodgy and decided to send Oliver to this clinic near our place instead.

And so it was confirmed that he's got HFMD, with some blisters and red dots more visible now on his hands, legs and body. He was given 10 days MC and we have to send him to my mum's place lest it spreads to Heidi. We also have to cancel Heidi's 1st month celebration this Sunday as even my niece and nephew have got HFMD, albeit quite mild version.

So it is goodbye Oliver for now. When you come back about a week later, you will realised that Hurricane Heidi has subsided. The house will be as clean and tidy as before.