Thursday, December 25, 2008

Missing Oliver on Christmas Eve

It was a Christmas Eve without Oliver around, and we missed him badly. Oliver has taken ill and is at his grandma's place. Poor Oliver once again fell sick. Last Saturday, he had fever as high as 39c and it lasted for almost 5 days. We gave him paracetamol but it did not seemed to help. It worsened on Monday when Oliver started to develop sore eye. We decided to bring him to see a paediatrician instead of the GP near our house. However, Dr Veronica Toh from Raffles Children Clinic was fully booked and we were told to wait for 2 hours. In the end, we decided to try another doctor who I heard from my friend Eve was quite good.

We managed to walk in and see Dr Vasanthi at Kinderclinic in Paragon. I was expecting a rather old doctor, but she turned out to be rather young, perhap at her late 30 or early 40. She kinda resembled the Dr Veronica Toh. She was patient and detailed in her explanation, and told us that to bring Oliver's high fever down, we need to put a depository into Oliver's anus. Gosh, I was quite worried about the pain Oliver would have for placing a foreign object placed in such a sensitive part. We waited for a while before the nurse demonstrated how she deposited it there. Being a worried mother, I asked the nurse if the insertion would be painful and the nurse was not very reasurring and not empathy. She just replied that being a child, he would definitely cry. That irritated me. How can she be so insensitive towards both the parents and the child? Not a big deal, but little things like that does show the attitude of a person towards caring for others.
Poor Oliver. The total bill came up to about $150 with us bringing tons of medicine back for Oliver.

Oliver, this time round, was very grouchy. He refused to take the medicine through feeding, like his usual brave self. He kept clinging to me and asking me to carry him around at home. At his grandma's place, his 'gu-gu' took over the role. Imagine carrying a 12 kg boy around the house, it can be really tiring. Oliver, you got to recover quickly so that papa can bring you to swim with you new swimsuit brought specially for you by Uncle Augustine from Melbourne.