Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chicken pox

Just when we thought that all is peaceful and well, Oliver is now out of action again!

I fetched him back from my mum's place on Sunday and brought him to my class reunion, some of whom I haven't seen for 26 years... but that's another story.

On Monday he went to school as usual. When I showered him at night I realised that there were many red spots on his body, with some on his arms and groin area. Sophia as usual consulted the thick Reader's Digest medical book that she had, and all signs pointed to the chicken pox.

So off he went to my mum's place again, and I still haven't have the time to bring him to see a doctor yet. We had wanted to give Oliver the chicken pox vaccine, but that's always at the back of our mind and other things just seems to crop up.