Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to Papa!

Recently, there have been many changes in my life that I felt like a ship at sea which had lost its way. My two kids had become my compass. My sense of direction and memory bank are gone. I actually forgot to get a birthday cake for Boon Heng. Fortunately, I have not forgotten to get his present. We had a belated birthday celebration at Prive at Keppel Bay. It was a french restaurant and we loved the set lunch menu there. The captain there was really nice. I just happened to mention that it was Boon Heng's birthday and the kitchen surprised us with a lovely chocolate cake topped with strawberries and a lighted candle. Although not as drama as Lawry restaurant where the staff sang the birthday song, I sang Boon Heng a birthday song. My singing is of course nothing. Really nothing compared to what Oliver did last night.

Boon Heng and I did not eat the chocolate cake and decided to bring it home, so that Oliver and Heidi can celebrate together. Impressively, when I brought the cake out at night, Oliver, although totally mesmerised by the cake, actually sang the birthday song to Boon Heng. "Happy Birthday to Papa. Happy Birthday to Papa". Boon Heng was so elated. You see, none of us told Oliver that the cake is for Boon Heng's birthday. But our dear Oliver just know it. There you go, a proud daddy sharing this special moment with his 2-year old boy.