Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh no, Monster is coming

These days, in order to convince Oliver to follow my instructions, I have resorted to using fear. Whenever he complained, I will cook a story and the main character will be Monster.

At bedtime, the story goes...

"Oliver, if you don'tsleep on your bed, the Monster will sleep on it and you will have no bed to sleep on."

"Oliver, we have to switch off the bedroom light so that the Monster cannot see us."

"Oliver, I cannot go outside (kitchen) to make milk for you as the Monster is outside. Mommy is scared." To prevent Oliver from potential milk overdose.

This week, another character emerged... the Ant

"Oliver, if you eat in the bedroom, the ant will crawl to your bed and bite you and you will be pain pain."

"Oliver, you must shower. Otherwise, the ant will bite you. Ants like to bite dirty boy."

"Oliver, you have poo and we have to wash you. Otherwise the ant will bite your backside as ant likes smelly boy."

As much as I hate to resort to using fear as a tactic, but they work somehow. Mmm, reminds me of the olden days when our parents always said that Police is coming to catch us, isn't it?