My patience seems to run short very frequently these times. The recent tussle with Oliver was quite an embarrassing one for me; Having to lose my cool in front of Boon Heng's family. Well, I always lose my cool at home, but to have it displayed publicly, yes I definitely feel a tinge of embarrassment.
The tussle happened last weekend. I had just found my voice after suffering from the sound of silence for almost two days. It started with an ulcer in mouth, and slowly I lost my voice after talking in meeting and more meetings at work. Initially, I was thinking that perhap Heidi passed her HFMD. But I guess it is probably not, as Caroline also caught the same virus. The reason why I mentioned my loss of voice is really to highlight the difficulty of trying to discipline Oliver. Maybe discipline is too strong a word, trying to talk to Oliver and make him understand the seriousness of the matter at hand.
We were heading for dinner and staying a city, roads are everywhere. Boon Heng and I were extremely annoyed when Oliver refused to hold our hand when crossing the road. Oliver could run at "lightning" speed. And so, that very day, he was out of control and in a moment of anger, I grabbed Oliver and hit him on his bum (a few times). And to my surprise, he retaliated by grabbing my hair. As a result, a whole bunch of hair came off.
Oh gosh, how a mother has to scarifice her youth in the process of making and rearing a child. Now I truly understand why the Chinese wrote the song "ma ma hao".