Friday, May 21, 2010

Follow Me Hokkaido - Day Three (Part 1)

Hotel Taisetsu at Sounkyo. The hotel has three type of hot spings. The Onsen at 7th floor overlooks the Sounkyo Gorge, and such a splendid sight.

Almost all ice-cream parlours in Hokkaido have this huge ice-cream to attract the greedy folks with sweet tooth.

Along our journey on the high ground, snow still covered these beautiful rolling hills.

Moss Pink Season atTakinoue Park.

Simply breathtaking with Daisetsuzan in view during the only Sunny day we had in Hokkaido.

Heidi stretched her hands, wanting to be carried.. not again.

At the Kamiyubetsu Tulip Park, the sky was starting to turn grey.

Oliver is quite a corny person.