Friday, August 31, 2007

More space for Oliver

As Oliver starts his exploration on all four, the space for us at home become smaller. The living room table now make way for Oliver's new play ground. The rubber floor mat was passed to us from Boon Heng's sister. The mat has proven its worth with Oliver falling a few times and I have not seen a single tear from him.

Chairs of Oliver's

Oliver has so many chairs now. All five chairs given from colleagues and relatives - one high chair, one rattan chair and three car seats. Lets not take into account the stroller.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Clapping Hands

Oliver knows how to clap hands nearing 9th month old. He can understand when Boon Heng asked him to clap his hands. Oliver is in my eyes irresistibly cute these days.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

"Be very AFRAID", Monkey chased

Fear of the monkey toy? Very much. Oliver shivered at the sight of the monkey chase. That keeps Boon Heng and I wondering why. He would move his body away in fear and shut his eyes tight. We tried to carry Oliver and held his hand to touch monkey's hand to overcome his fears. The attempt failed. Cruel to say this but Boon Heng and I really enjoyed looking his reaction. It showed the timid side of his personality.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Gym Time

Oliver flexed his muscles and flaunted himself at Gymboree during the 40-minute workout session. While all babies were happily sitting on their mother's lap doing the gym workout, Oliver crawled into the circle which the participants had formed and came out on the other side of the circle. Boon Heng had to run over to the other side to bring him back.

The play session was fun. Oliver had to go through a number of obstacles. He had to climb up a slide with air packs along the way to attract him. We were not too successful in getting Oliver to crawl through the tunnels. When we slid him up and down with a blanket underneath, he looked at us and his eyes seemed to tell us that we were two silly parents shrieking with excitment when he was supposedly the one exercising.

Rest Time

After working out at the gym, we went to the Botanical Gardens. The weather was perfect. The sky was overcast with clouds and there was a slight breeze. Caroline's family was there with us. Baby Raidon had his dinner there and I marvelled at his seemingly infinite appetite. This little boy sure grew by leaps and bounds.

We were very lucky today. The sky started pouring only after we reached the car park. Phews...!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Grandma, Ubin & Lost Memory

Have not been posting for a while because of a combination of bereavement, sick leaves (Oliver & Sophia) and work. So here am I (Boon Heng), guest- writing a post on behalf of Sophia, just so that the hordes of Oliver fans out there (about 3 of us) will have something to read until Sophia returns to office.

Those precious moments with great grandma really were that. She’s gone now to a better world, hopefully, on 18 August. I’m glad we brought her back to Pulau Ubin a couple of years (?) back, to see the place once again. Not too sure how she felt, as I doubt she had a wonderful time living and leaving there, according to Sophia. But seeing and recognising some of her friends after about almost 30 years away must have been a strangely pleasant feeling, I hope. I would be happy and surprised to see some of my long-lost friends too. So that was a good call by Sophia back then to bring her to Ubin, one last time.

So that was that.

I wonder if 30 years down the road, Oliver (or us if we’re still around) would look back at places that we are familiar with and frequent till death, like Del-care, the roti prata shop, Arris, the riverbank near Robertson Walk, the promenade near Costa Rhu, even dinner places like ABC market, Kampong Glam area, and remember that we used to spend his babyhood there. No, I don’t wonder. Some of these places would be en-bloc-ed and relentlessly razed to the ground no doubt to make way for higher rent. Unfortunately the prata shop seems likely the first casualty. What memory would he and we have had?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

High Fever, Runny Nose and Cough

The signs and symptoms were similar to mine. I had been sick for almost two weeks before passing it to Oliver.

If I am not wrong, this is the first time Oliver has fever as high as 39 degree celsius due to viral infection. Even when he had his routine immunisation jabs, he had fever no higher than 37 degree celsius. As a first time parent, I was very worried about his condition. Gladly, after a night of intermittent fever, Oliver's fever subsided leaving him with stuffy nose. Poor baby, he couldn't suckle well due to his blocked nose. At night, he would cough rousing him till he sat up and cried.

Despite his condition, I am glad Oliver is still chubby and ever ready to play with us.

Friday, August 10, 2007

It's time to baby proof our home

Oliver is a gadget baby. He loves the alarm clock, calculator, the intercom at home and at the lift. He was also starting to show interests in our electrical socket. =(

Thursday, August 9, 2007

New swimsuit

Donning a new swim suit and second time at our swimming pool. The wind at 7th level was strong but that did not bother him. He was very busy splashing water on his left and right. Gone were his fear of water. He even drank a bit of the pool water and almost fell off his fighter plane float into the water. Oliver was simply too excited. We were enjoying so much of his companion that I had to remind Boon Heng not to let Oliver stay too long in the pool. He had just recovered from a runny nose.

And he climbs the next day!

It was a delightful experience for us to witness this moment of Oliver climbed from our bed to his bed. We just feel so proud of him.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

First Crawl

Oliver had his first crawl on 8 August 2007. What a good date he had chosen to impress us! He was 8 months, 2 weeks and 3 days old.

It was about 9 plus at night and it was Oliver's sleeping time. I let him latch on, but he did not doze off. His eyes were open after he had suckled enough. Feeling tired, I put him on the bed to play on his own. Minutes later, I saw him moving towards me. Oliver crawled!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Facing Separation Anxiety

Eight months old Oliver clung to me. He wanted no one but his mummmy to hold or cuddle him at nights. When we visited Oliver's grandma place, he would cry for my attention. When I walked across the living room, Oliver seated in his high chair would cry when he spotted me. He would hold out his hands signalling for me to carry him.

I felt proud of this "mummy only" attitude of Oliver, yet also helpless over it. I wish I can spilt into multiple bodies. This will however come to pass. I can imagine many years later, I will look back at now and wish Oliver will again crave for my attention.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Oliver was given this train set from a friend during his first month baby shower. I decided to take it out from the cupboard before I forget. My memory these days was exactly the size of a bird's brain.

Just like facing any other new toys, Oliver was always apprehensive about them in the beginning. He would observe the train for a while before his monster self surfaced. This weekend was full of surprises for Oliver. We also bought him a beach ball that he enjoyed kicking with his legs and hitting with his hands.

We also headed to Botanic Gardens finally!!! Stayed there for less than an hour before we packed off heading for home. Well, Oliver was so stricken with hunger pangs. Sorry, mummy's fault. I bought only one feeding out.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Living on the edge

More interesting sleeping styles kicked in this month, including sleeping at the edge of the bed. I suspected he had inherited these habits from me.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sleeping on tummy

Oliver was very active in his sleep recently. He would turn to his sides, moved up and down the bed. Having a bolster was no help at all. Three days ago I found him sleeping peacefully on his tummy. Why now? Months ago, I was trying so hard to get Oliver to sleep on his tummy to prevent him from having flat head. But he just couldn't sleep on his tummy. Now that he can, there is no hope for his flat head already.