Thursday, August 23, 2007

Grandma, Ubin & Lost Memory

Have not been posting for a while because of a combination of bereavement, sick leaves (Oliver & Sophia) and work. So here am I (Boon Heng), guest- writing a post on behalf of Sophia, just so that the hordes of Oliver fans out there (about 3 of us) will have something to read until Sophia returns to office.

Those precious moments with great grandma really were that. She’s gone now to a better world, hopefully, on 18 August. I’m glad we brought her back to Pulau Ubin a couple of years (?) back, to see the place once again. Not too sure how she felt, as I doubt she had a wonderful time living and leaving there, according to Sophia. But seeing and recognising some of her friends after about almost 30 years away must have been a strangely pleasant feeling, I hope. I would be happy and surprised to see some of my long-lost friends too. So that was a good call by Sophia back then to bring her to Ubin, one last time.

So that was that.

I wonder if 30 years down the road, Oliver (or us if we’re still around) would look back at places that we are familiar with and frequent till death, like Del-care, the roti prata shop, Arris, the riverbank near Robertson Walk, the promenade near Costa Rhu, even dinner places like ABC market, Kampong Glam area, and remember that we used to spend his babyhood there. No, I don’t wonder. Some of these places would be en-bloc-ed and relentlessly razed to the ground no doubt to make way for higher rent. Unfortunately the prata shop seems likely the first casualty. What memory would he and we have had?