Friday, August 8, 2008


Jia Jun

According to Delcare, this was the first time that the toddler/playgroup section was going on an outing with the rest of the kids.

So on the morning of 080808, a day before National Day, all the kids minus the infant section landed at the seafront of Labrador Park. Even the parents of some of the toddlers were mobilised to shepherd the toddlers to and fro the park.

I took the day off to accompany Oliver for the trip, as Sophia was really busy with the events at StarDuS.

The moment we hit the park, Oliver wondered off ahead of the pack, to the delight of a group of schoolgirls who took turns to take photos with him. Further away where we eventually settled down after playing on slides and bubbles and balls, I noticed that Oliver can be quite "solo" at times, wondering away on his own from the group.

(Sophia wonders if his short attention span and "non-conformist" behaviour may be a sign of things to come. But to me, I see a future leader in the making...)

At the moment, his best friends now seems to be Jia Jun and Kate.