Friday, September 19, 2008

Shows of Affection and Jealousy

The last two weeks have been a period of adjustment for Oliver. He has to get used to having another new member in the family and the presence of our confinement lady at home. Oliver throws tantrums easily and wakes up crying at nights. Being a "routine" baby, it must have been very difficult for him to adjust to this new change.

I am quite lucky that although Oliver has been resistant to change, he does in fact dote Heidi a lot and will show his affection for her by touching her head and legs. He would also kiss Heidi on her face, which will made my heart stopped for a while. Oliver could be quite tough as he still doesn't know how to really control himself for pressing too hard on Heidi's face. He would imitate every woo and coo of Heidi's, which can really comical to hear. He can actually say "Heidi" very well (and yes, he still doesn't want to call me "mommy" yet). It is really heartwarming to see Oliver showing his affection for his sister, and I am really proud of him.

Being an affectionate boy, it is only natural that he is jealous of me having spent more time with Heidi. When he saw me carrying Heidi, he would rush to me and want me to carry him as well. Most of the time, I tried to carry him with another arm. Sometimes, I just have to pass Heidi to Boon Heng and carry Oliver to assure him that he is still important to me.

Boon Heng now tries to bring him out for walks more often, resulting in a very tiring papa. And the tireness has made him very forgetful, and he would sigh more often than usual. For two days, he forgot to bring the stuff to office which I had packed nicely for him, and he also forgot to bring stuff which I reminded him to bring home. Weekend is approaching and Boon Heng has to crack his head where to bring Oliver. For me, it will be a schedule of feeding, resting and eating, and gosh, I hate the drilling noise next door. A new neighbour is having his house renovated.