Sunday, December 28, 2008

East Coast

Today is the 3rd consecutive day that I brought Oliver to East Coast Park, to exactly the same spot, which is near the water venture place and where there are ample parking space as cars park along the service road.

It started on Christmas day, when we fetched Oliver from my mom's place and thought that he might enjoyed a walk. But he was clingy and not too adventuous, as he hadn't really recovered yet, or he just wanted to manja.

Then on Boxing Day, I brought him there again to get him out of the house and to let Sophia have some rest. Same place, although he slept for more than 2 hours in the car and barely set foot for 3 minutes after he had woken up, before he had enough and wanted to go home.

Today, deja vu. Either I'm so absolutely predictable and boring or Singapore is a boring place. Today he was happier and more playful, almost back to his normal self. He must really love East Coast.