Friday, January 16, 2009

Eczema & Oliver

Bright red scaly patches started to appear on Oliver's cheeks towards the end of last year. We totally have no idea what caused it. We eliminated eggs from his diet. The school suspected dust mites and we changed his pillow. Our preventive actions seemed useless as his condition did not improved. The red patches continued to recur almost once it subsidised.

We decided to seek medical assistance after months of seeing the "red cheeks" Oliver. Dr Veronica Toh prescribed steriod creams for inflammation and recommended us to monitor for a month. If the condition does not improve, we willl probably have to go for skin testing.

Although Oliver's mood is least affected by his skin condition, our precautional measure to have the diet of egg taken out from his diet did however affected him. He felt ostracized when the teachers gave him bread instead of muffin. Poor Oliver. Now that his skin improves with the steriod cream and physiogel, I am considering resuming his diet of egg.

Here is a picture of Oliver with better looking cheeks. But still imperfect.. Oliver was frustrated with me putting the cream on his face one morning and scratched his face so hard that his nail cut his face.