Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oliver at Marina Barrage

It must have been a fun Monday for Oliver as the school went out for a wet outing at Marina Barrage. I wish I was there too. These are the pictures taken by one of the parents, and I managed to spot Oliver in his bright swimsuit.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Oliver might have Roseola (or fake measles) rather than chicken pox.

His red spots have subsided and there are no fever.

So that's a relief... we might be getting Oliver back tonight!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chicken pox

Just when we thought that all is peaceful and well, Oliver is now out of action again!

I fetched him back from my mum's place on Sunday and brought him to my class reunion, some of whom I haven't seen for 26 years... but that's another story.

On Monday he went to school as usual. When I showered him at night I realised that there were many red spots on his body, with some on his arms and groin area. Sophia as usual consulted the thick Reader's Digest medical book that she had, and all signs pointed to the chicken pox.

So off he went to my mum's place again, and I still haven't have the time to bring him to see a doctor yet. We had wanted to give Oliver the chicken pox vaccine, but that's always at the back of our mind and other things just seems to crop up.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

40 Degree Celsius

Thursday evening, Oliver was still his usual self when we fetched him from Delcare. But at 9pm he said that he wanted to sleep. That is extremely rare. And he didn't want to take his milk. Very strange again. Indeed, he started to get hot in the neck and forehead, and by midnight he shot up to 39.8. The fever lasted throughout the night and he was obviously feeling very uncomfortable and grouchy.

We got him to Dr Veronica in the morning and he actually measured 40 degree Celsius! He slept through the Friday afternoon and in the evening we had to send him to my Mum's place lest Heidi gets infected.

But strangely, as suddenly as the fever came, he was up and running again in Saturday.

We did quite a bit without Oliver though, like catching Red Cliff II with Jiajun's parents, scout for our sofa, and brought Heidi to this old hawker centre in Circuit Road for dinner.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


And Oliver has quite a lot of them.


Recently he has taken to screwing his milk bottle himself after I've prepared his milk, we can't touch it until after he'd done so. He even insisted on doing that in his half-asleep state in the middle of the night. Yes, Oliver still wakes up in the middle of the night to drink. I'm okie with that even though we know some kids get wean off night feed before they turn 1 year old. Actually we did wean him off for a while, but since Heidi's arrival, and we try to minimise his wailing at night lest he wakes Heidi up, I've given in to him.

And speaking of milk, he will surely need his 2 feeds before he sleeps. Even on weekends when he usually sleeps from the evening onwards due to him missing his nap, he will still wakes up for milk twice.

So routine, yet so funny.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lion Dance.. not Oliver's cup of tea

Can you spot Oliver? He was being carried by Dai Lau Shi. At the start of the lion dance performance by the kids at Del-care, he was sitting next to Benjamin (the boy with red hair wearing red shirt). When the dance started and the drum rolled, Oliver was so fearful that he kept shifting his bum on the floor until he reached the back of the room, and finally on Dai Lau Shi's lap. He was the only kid who ran away while the rest of the kids put up a brave front. Boon Heng and I was watching him through the glass window and we didn't know to laugh or cry. Poor Oliver, it must be quite a scary experience for him.