Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Recently he has taken to screwing his milk bottle himself after I've prepared his milk, we can't touch it until after he'd done so. He even insisted on doing that in his half-asleep state in the middle of the night. Yes, Oliver still wakes up in the middle of the night to drink. I'm okie with that even though we know some kids get wean off night feed before they turn 1 year old. Actually we did wean him off for a while, but since Heidi's arrival, and we try to minimise his wailing at night lest he wakes Heidi up, I've given in to him.

And speaking of milk, he will surely need his 2 feeds before he sleeps. Even on weekends when he usually sleeps from the evening onwards due to him missing his nap, he will still wakes up for milk twice.

So routine, yet so funny.