Friday, March 13, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away (Pain Pain Go Away)

Everyday is like a mad rush for us. From fetching Heidi and Oliver to school in the morning to bringing them home, showering them, meeting their demands, washing up their poo and puke, to putting them to bed, and waking up at night... hours and days seem to zoom by and it is mid-March already!

This week has been especially uncomfortable for Oliver, as well as us. Almost 4 days after he first started to feel pain in his penis, he is still squirming and panicky whenever he wants to pee. We aren't too sure whether the anti-biotics is taking effect, or if it is a psychological barrier that Oliver needs to overcome. It is quite painful and worrying to see Oliver in pain.

On a brighter note, Oliver is his usual self when he isn't peeing.

He can now sing a few songs, like Happy Birthday, Row Row Row Your boat, Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars, and his favourite, Rain Rain Go Away.

He seems to be growing up in a hurry.