Friday, May 8, 2009

2 years and 5 months old "puppy"

Puppy Oliver has all it takes to be a dog.
Oliver's eyes are very sharp. He can spot a fountain that is so far away that we have to make a effort to spot one. The lamp cover of one of our ceiling was taken off and Oliver can spot that right away. Or-oh, he exclaimed. Oliver is also very good in spotting the moon and stars.

Whenever Oliver is tired, he will rub his ears. This habit of his has not changed since he was a baby. Now he has better control over his hand, he will touch his ears instead of rubbing it.

Recently, he has taken to barking when Heidi touches his toy. Ou, Ou, Ou...

Doesn't Oliver has the traits of a puppy? And not forgetting that Oliver is born in the year of a Dog.