Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First Music Lesson at Mac's Music School

My first attempt to enhance Oliver's musical ability was almost half a year ago, when we went to the Music for Young Children at newton. The teacher was reluctant to accept Oliver as she found Oliver not ready for her lessons. With my failed attempt to register Oliver, I decided to enrol into the same music school as Oliver's weekend buddy, Jiajun at Mandeville Music School in United Square. It was again another failed attempt, as the school released the slot to another student as I was unable t o make a deposit due to my extremely busy work schedule just before we left for Hokkaido. Even when I appeal and almost begged for a place, the school could not allocate a place for Oliver. Desperate, I decided to surf the website and found another possible option - Mac'sMusic School at Forum Galleria.

Not wasting anymore time, I emailed the school asking for the next available course. Perhap it was all fated. The school was starting the course just the coming saturday which I sent the email. I was also quite happy that Oliver could sit in the lesson to find out if he is ready before registering him. Mac, who founded the school, is probably a very flexible person. He also allowed us to observe the violin course which he taught himself.

Saturday came. I enjoyed my Saturday moment with Oliver. Just the two of us taking the train from Tanjong Pagar to Orchard station, followed by a breakfast stop at Dunkin Donut. We then strolled to Forum Galleria and reached them 20 minute earlier. Oliver, like us, is extremely introvert. I thought it would be good if we reach them early, so that Oliver could take in the sight and sound, the new environment and the people running the school.

At 11am, Teacher Elaine started her briefing to a class of five children accompanied by their parent. These kids are all borned in year 2007, while Oliver is the only kid from year 2006. I wonder if I might have started Oliver too late. Indeed, Oliver was very shy as compared to 07 kids and was always hiding behind our back away from the rest. Boon Heng arrived in time from his work to accompany us. I was quite worried about the reaction of the teacher and the parents who sat in; whether they find Oliver hindering the progress of the class in any way. The only positive moment was when he had a chance to play the keyboard. He was full of confidence when he 'played' the key and responded to the teacher. You can say that Boon Heng and I were so elated and relieved that all was not lost and there was still hope.

After class, Elaine shared that she also had students who did not participate during class for almost two terms and she would not force them to participate. These students picked up the skills quietly and learned better when left alone. It was comfort to hear this from Elaine.

Hesitate no more, I sign up Oliver and look forward to our first lesson.