Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Party at Del-Care

We don't really bothered to dress up Oliver for the Delcare Christmas Party every year. Oliver and Heidi always have lots of hand-me-downs from cousins or friends, or my mum or sis would buy for him, so we don't really spend too much on clothes for them. In fact we hardly buy anything for Heidi at all as she is the recipient of Vera and Vivian nice dresses.

This year, somehow we decided to and we brought him and Heidi to do some Christmas shopping at Vivocity. More in preparation for CNY too.

We went down to the party on 23 Dec afternoon. Some of the kids were all decked up, and lined up at the corridor before being ushered in pairs into the centre which the teachers and staff had decorated. These princes and princesses each wore a crown too.

Heidi was quite unsettled by the loud cheering and party atmosphere, and we tried to avoid her seeing us lest she stick on to Sophia. But after the food was served, she was better and started to tuck in.

Oliver's seat was beside Nate's.

Heidi in her beautiful chiffon dress.
Nate and his mom were invited back for the party. It was like old times and I saw Nate and Oliver chatting and making a fool of themselves :-)