Monday, January 24, 2011

The Leak

Last Friday my water heater storage tank in my toilet decided to give way. Water started to leak and drip down the false ceiling. Frantic calls to a few plumbers were all futile, as they were all too busy to do my business. Didn't know that business is so good that some rejected outright, not even trying to fix a time and date. Maybe it is a hassle to fix water heater, as our neighbour Richard said.

To save my ceiling, we had to climb up a ladder and put a container under the heater. And when the container is full, we have to climb up again, empty the water, and place it back. At first it took 2 hours to fill up the container, now the leak is getting worse and it takes just 1.5 hours before it is full.

So for Saturday and Sunday night, I woke up every 2 hour just to empty the water.

We also couldn't go anywhere far or time-consuming lest the water overflow. Which it did on Saturday morning when we sent them to music class. We also tried another method to drain the water using my hose for washing my car and a cut-up milk bottle as a funnel, but it failed.

Everytime we went out for food, I start to worry.

Coupled with Oliver and Heidi staying too long in the house, they got onto my nerves.

I also didn't go to office today so that I can drain out the water at home. How I wish that the leak could be fix up soon and life can return back to normal.