Sunday, June 5, 2011

Adelaide Day 7 - Adelaide Hills

The world's biggest rocking horse, built in 1981. Me, Charles, Oliver and JJ climbed up this 18 metres structure at The Toy Factory Gumeracha.
While Heidi preferred the smaller version.

She also staked claim to the rocking horse inside the restaurant.
What was better than the rocking horse was the 7 arces animal park, where wallabies, emus, ducks, goats, rabbits, and kids roam free.
Surprisingly, Oliver and Heidi weren't afraid of the animals and went about chasing them.
Poetry in motion.
Oliver is really good at running.
Up close with a kangaroo.
A funny looking chicken that we had never seen before. The feathers seemed to be very well-coiffed.
Next stop, the Beerenberg Farm near Hahndorf.
Here we paid a small fee to pick our own strawberries. Oliver and I had a taste of it right after plucking them.
Sophia choosing strawberries with Heidi.
The harvest.
After that was the nearby town of Hahndorf, Australia's oldest surviving German settlement.
There's still a strong German flavour in Hahndorf, most evident in the smallgood outlets and German bakeries that line the bustling main street.
There are also many restaurants in the town serving German cuisine. We settled for the famous Hahndorf Inn, and were lucky to grab a seat along the pavement. If we are back in Adelaide in the future, I would want to stay a few days in Hahndorf just to soak up the atmosphere.
The oysters were really good, although the wurst trio weren't as good as those in Barossa.
What is a panda doing in a German town?
Our last stop for the day was a trip up Mount Lofty Summit. And we were there in time to see the beautiful sunset.
While waiting for the sun to set, Oliver, JJ and Jiaen climbed up this pagoda thingy which belonged more in Tibet or Nepal.

Clowning around.
Before long, they got a bit rough.
The sun finally dipping and calling it a day.