Monday, January 7, 2013

4th school day

After a weekend break, it is back to school again. Oliver made another bus stop friend Oh Han Wei when he played at the Duxton park last Saturday. It is such a blessing to little children that they make friends so easily. The kids waiting the bus stop are amazing. When they saw the bus coming, they queue up on their own, without any parents instruction. I cannot remember I was that civilised when back in school right up to poly days. Well done kids!

Monday is RVPS' assembly, Oliver is to wear a tie, which he says he is not comfortable. But he looks so good to me. Today, I made lunch box for him. First time making lunch box and quite clumsy at it- had a little cut on my finger. Oliver helps me along in my preparation by to peeling his favourite edamame. Hope my dear picky boy can finish the tuna and fish roe rice rolls.