Saturday, July 27, 2013

Relishing old times at Sinpopo

I have been waiting to eat at Sinpopo after our recent visit to Dongpo.  It has taken us quite a while as the parking at Joo Chiat road can be quite a nightmare, and it did.  We went to our favourite Aston place for steaks which was around the corner where Sinpopo is, and was relief to see much shorter queue.  Many years back before Aston expanded its operation, the queue here was a huge turn off.  We used to come at 5 pm just to avoid the queue. My wait was just 15 min, though the wait for the food took quite a while. Oliver and Heidi were quite pleased with our choice of dinner place. But that's not our real highlight of the night, more to come. We gonna have some fun with the ice ball at Sinpopo. 
We ordered the Ice ball and Gula Melaka jelly. The latter was a dab too sweet for me and I kinda thought the ice ball tasted rather unusual. Oliver still prefer the ice Kacang at food republic, and I certainly go with his choice.  Heidi simply enjoyed biting any shaved ice she could grab hold off, and was spooning the ice all the while. Probably more than half of the ice ball melted not in the mouth but the bowl.  We would probably return to try other dishes, and not the ice ball or the jelly. Nostalgic atmosphere to go with a cup of Kopi next time, maybe.