Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pee pee

The school seems to be mass toilet training a lot of them at the same time, bless them. We know of Nate and Jiajun as well.

Now Oliver can tell us that he wants to pee pee. A couple of times, when without his diaper, he forgets or chose not to, so I've to mop the floor and wash his shorts. He still doesn't want to tell us he needs to pass motion. Perhaps he's still not comfortable doing so.

A few times when outside or even at home, I have to bring him to the toilet. Sometimes it is successful, especially when there's a short urinal meant for kids (at the zoo) or when there's a squat toilet bowl (at Tanjong Pagar MRT, although Oliver slipped outside the toilet as it was just moped).

But sometimes it is a disaster, and he'll wet his shorts. Last Sunday at Hans, the toilet was all meant for adults. I had to lead Oliver to a tree outside Hans and pee there. But as it was about to end, his urine trickled on his short and it got all wet. Later at tthe river, another toliet meant for adults. This time I decided to carry him to save me the hassle, although I know that that shouldn't be the way as he eventually will need to learn how to do it properly.