Sunday, November 21, 2010

Generous Boy at Heart

Sometime ago, I spoke to Guan Lao Shi who is Heidi's teacher at Del-Care. As usual, we would talk about Heidi, but not that very day (probably about an month ago and I thought I should pen it down before I forget about it). She said Oliver did something which she found very touching (gan dong). It happened around evening time when the kids were in the gym room playing toys. One of the toddlers was crying very hard, as the rest of the kids had taken the toys and there were none left. Guan Lao Shi was busy comforting the little girl and said that she would get another one for her. At this point, Oliver ran over and passed her the only train which he was holding, and nothing for himself to play. Lao Shi was touched by Oliver's generous gesture and brought another toy for Oliver to play. Oliver certainly has a big heart.