Boon Heng, away again. This time round, it was not for national service. He went on a working trip to Hong Kong. Truly envy him for such opportunity to get away for a while, from the kids and I. When will I have such opportunity? Everyone need a break right?
Strangely, Oliver and Heidi would always behave better with one parent around, especially Oliver. I think Boon Heng most probably agree with me. Before Boon Heng went on trip, I prepared Oliver and Heidi that they needed to wake up in the morning and walk to school. Amazingly, the kids never give me any trouble when I got them ready in the morning. Another more peculiar thing which happened was that Heidi actually allowed Oliver to push her stroller, and insisted the next few days to have Oliver be her 'driver'. Heidi had never allowed anyone except me to push her stroller.
Initially, I wanted to bring kids from school after work. But changed my mind to have transportation to fetch the kids home in case it rained. These days, the weather were simply erratic. On the first day of taking school bus, Oliver and Heidi had differing experience. Heidi was scared and cried. Oliver loved his ride.
It was a mad rush for me to reach home by 7 pm. I had planned to leave office on the dot at 6 pm, but there would always be some delay. Everyday, I just gobbled up my dinner, bread and instant noodles. Think my body would soon give way. Back home, the kids were great. Oliver's first stop would be to the toilet followed by shower. Heidi, as usual, would be somewhere near. These few nights, she would brush her teeth and wait for her turn to shower. Oliver would dress himself up after I towel dry him. After showering Heidi, Oliver would be expecting his supper - apple. Believe or not, he actually ate two apples, had stars cereal and a bottle of milk just before he slept. And some nights, two bottles of milk. I wonder what dinner he ate in the school.
The books from library were helpful. On Monday night, I told the story of "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs". Heidi was scared when I spoke of the evil queen; Tuesday, I picked "The Christmas Magic" by Lauren Thompson and was beautifully illustrated by Jon J Muth, which almost had me spellbound - a tale about Santa Claus getting ready for his sleigh ride; Wednesday, Oliver had his piano practice while Heidi and I danced along with the playing of each note. (It was funny to watch Oliver as he pretended that he was playing like a pianist); Thursday, we did nothing much with me watching TV and the kids playing on their own; Friday, I decided that we should have an early night as Saturday would be another long day. Read three books actually - "The Christmas Magic"again because I really love it, "The Bear in the Cave" which was quite disappointing as it was the same author who wrote "We are going on a bear hunt". I enjoyed reading "This is my book" by Mick Inkpen - a character, the snapdragon whizzzes around the book and gobbling up the dots from 'i' and other letter as well.
This week past really fast, and thanks for that. It was almost like a week of catching up with my family. We had lunch with my brother and the women in his life on Wednesday, Hari Raya Public Holiday, and had lunch with my dad on Saturday. Tomorrow, Boon Heng would return to Singapore, and I am happy!