Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cold Turkey

For the past 2 nights, we have been using the cold turkey treatment on Oliver to wean him from night feed. It has become a habit for Oliver to cry and be fed in the middle of the night. On average twice, if we are lucky he drinks once, if not so lucky he can wake up 3 times to drink. When he was younger he used to reject his milk, so it was good that he started to increase his intake, but it has come to a point that Sophia thinks we should wean him off at night as most parenting books discourage night feeding.

For the last 2 nights, he woke up as usual crying for milk. Sophia had to pacify and coax him to sleep, as he refused to let me carry him. It's a wonder that he went back to sleep eventually, although it took an hour or so on the first night and 2 hours last night (he woke up at 3am and by the time he went to sleep, Arsenal had knocked AC Milan out of the CL).

Last night Sophia even saw Oliver sucking his finger when sleeping and heard him cried "Nan" a few times, something which we haven't heard for a long while. Oliver used to said "Nan" when he wanted milk way back when he was still tiny. He is really quite a poor thing.

We are not sure how long this would go on before he's totally weaned off, but I think it might take a while. So more sleepless nights for us. Hopefully we can sleep throughout the night soon. Haven't really done that since 22 Nov 2006.