Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Home Alone with Oliver

For one week, I will be home alone with Oliver. Boon Heng is on a weeklong break from home and serving the nation - National Service. What else? Without him around, the day seems longer and the night shorter.

My phobia of driving means I will have to take the public transport to work. Meaning I have to wake up earlier than usual. My day starts at 7.00 am. Munch the gardenia bread. Shower. Pack my bag. Get ready Oliver's day wear. By 7.30am, it is wakie time for Oliver. It is an angelic sight to look at Oliver when he is soundly asleep. Even his saliva dripping habit looks so adorable. Just too bad, you got to wake up otherwise I will be late for work. Oliver will make little noise and continue to have his eyes closed when I gently rouse him. This will usually take a while before I carried him off the bed to change his diaper. Yesterday, after changing his diaper, he dozed off again. I wish I can too. At 7.45 am, off we go to the school. Reach school, hugs and kisses for Oliver then head for work.

6.00 pm ... leave workplace, have my dinner and take a public transport to Del-Care to fetch Oliver. 7.30pm is the final hour to fetch him. What a rush and certainly quite a bit of planning to do before the start of another new day.