Thursday, April 3, 2008

"2 + 1 Vaughans = 3 Vaughans" Andy announced


I received an email from Andy in Philippines last Friday announcing that he now has two beautiful girls in his life. If you read his email, you probably can sense his excitement as a new daddy and how proud he felt.

Jess' baby Malaya arrived one week earlier than the expected due date on April Fool's Day. Boon Heng and I have been waiting to hear the good news ever since their last visit to Singapore. Until Andy sent us the email, we still had no idea whether Jess would be having a boy or a girl. And last tuesday night at 8.35pm (25 March 2008), Jess gave birth to a beautiful girl and her name is Malaya Asher Vaughan. She weighs at 3.224 kg and 53 cm length. In Andy's words "she is looking like a contender for the featherweight division!". But I am sure she will catch up real fast and even grow taller than Andy and Jess.

I wonder how they are doing right now. Can't wait to see Malaya.

Jess, are you still keen on the exchange deal? haha.