Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gathering at Eve's place

After several attempts to arrange a suitable date for my group of 'Siao Ja Po' (a.k.a. Crazy Girl) friends from Ngee Ann Polytechnic to meet, we finally managed to squeeze out an evening on Sunday to meet at Eve's home. Yes, it is getting more and more incredibly difficult to get all of us to meet especially now that Eve spends her time alternating between Beijing and Singapore. Adam, who is Eve's hubby, works in Beijing for a contractual period now. Aileen has her no.2, Ally girl girl. Ally girl has very feminie features and is very pretty. Even for Raidon and Cheyanne, these few months of not seeing them, have grown remarkably well. Raidon has a boyish look and rosy chubby cheeks. He is now half a head taller than Oliver. Cheyanne is now taller than Oliver although they are about 3 months apart. If you are wondering if I am concerned about Oliver's growth, you can be assured that I am not worried. I am bascially very facsinated nowsday by Oliver's big appetite and his protrubing little tummy. Alan being the oldest kid around is also getting quite sociable too. I was surprised that he actually initiated conversation with me. Generally, I think I don't have that kind of face that can strike a cord with most kids. You know, my big mouth can be quite overwhelming for them.

It is really a pity that this picture was taken when Cheyanne just fell asleep. This is obviously due to my slowness in reaction that has resulted from my pregnancy. I must say that Cheyanne is very adorable. I love it when she did the jumping act with her hands moving up and down like a bird, copying Tigge, one of the Winnie the Pooh's cartoon character (her favourite toy at the moment).

Not forgeting the fathers of our kids, they have been most patience tolerating the "motherhood" talks among our 'Siao Ja bo' group. I think they are perhaps the best daddies around. You can tell by the way Andy carried Ally (I dare say better than Aileen). The porridge cooked by Kok Fai for Raidon looked so delicious (I dare not even compared with my cooking). Boon Heng also almost acting like Oliver, get himself so involved with Cheyanne's toys; and his extremely worried face like the whole world was tumbling down when he accidentally hurted Oliver's little finger when he closed the toilet door. Adeline who has decided not to have any children also adapted very well to our current topics of conversation. Adeline, being a full-time tuition teacher, has perhaps more experiences than us when it comes to dealing with children. I really appreciate her for being so understanding to the needs of this group of 'Siao' mothers to share their motherhood experiences. Once again, I cannot help but feel a bit sore that Alice has not make time for us. It will also be wonderful if we can also manage to link up with Catherine too. If only, we have more advanced technology twenty years ago to stay contacted .

All in all, we have a very nice gathering at Eve's place, and agree to meet again when Eve is back in town. Till then, we will see how our kids have grown and perhaps to celebrate our 20th anniversary of friendships. Now I am leaving you with a picture that kept me tickish all night (okay...you must use a bit of imagination).