Saturday, April 12, 2008

Time to be Sick again

It was last month that Oliver recovered from his fever which was caused most probably by MMR vaccine. Two days back, he started to show signs of another virus infection. Yesterday, his mucus was yellowish green and was sneezing quite badly while in Del-care. But Oliver being Oliver, he was still his active little athletic self running around excitedly when we went to VivoCity to have our dinner. The only tell-tale sign was perhap his reluctance to put on his favourite shoes.
On the way back home from VivoCity, Oliver dozed off in his car seat. We were secretly pleased when he fell asleep on a car journey that took less than 10 minutes. FAT hope! He was woken up by his own coughing and was ever so active when he reached home. How can he possibly be ill? In fact, he only slept at 11pm which was one hour later than his usual sleeping time.