Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"Ma Ma"

Recently, I have very very short memory. I cannot remember things and even my hands seems to be out of control, dropping things at the most inapproriate times. One of the recent embarrassment was that while taking lunch order on my favourite Char Kuay Teow in my office, I totally forgot to take order for myself. I almost missed eating the Kuay Teow the second time round.

Anyway, the reason why I started saying that I was careless and forgetful is that I almost forget to write a very important milestone of Oliver's which means a lot to me. That is, he started calling "mama" a few weeks back. Although not "mummy", it was quite obvious that he actually called me "mama". You can call me a hopeless perfectionist, I can't help but feel a slight tinge of disappointment when he called me "mama" instead of "mummy". I am still trying to teach him to call me "Mummy" instead of "mama". Not too sure if I can succeed one of these days, but I am sure the day will come. Poor Oliver, you have to bear with my nonsense. But I do have a reason for doing so. Perhap, one of these days when you grow older, I will share with you the reason behind this secret little fetish of mine.