Monday, December 28, 2009

Missing Oliver again this Christmas

Christmas log cake and brandy soaked fruit cake, we have every year, specially made by Gina, the wonder baker. This year, she even made Durian log cake. Not much of a Durian fan and prefer to stick to the traditions, I choose chocolate over Durian.
The next day we left Oliver at his Grandma's place, I intended to eat the cake, but when I noticed there was a candle, I hesitated and decided to keep it because Oliver was not around to blow the candle. Sob! Poor Oliver cannot be with us last Christmas and now the Boxing Day. We are much luckier this Christmas, at least we can celebrate together on Christmas Eve.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hello and Goodbye MV Doulos

We went to Vivocity this morning for breakfast and happened to chance upon MV Doulos, a vessel which was ran by volunteers from all over the world. They were having 25% discounts on books. We thought that it would be an interesting experience for Oliver to go onboard the ship.
Little did we know that the Doulos Ministry will be stopped by the end of this year, according to It also wrote that the MV Doulos is the world's oldest active ocean-faring passenger ship. She is now owned by the German charity Gute Bücher für Alle (English: Good Books for All), and is used as a floating bookshop. The ship has previously been known as the SS Medina, the SS Roma, and the MV Franca C. The Doulos Ministry will be stopped surprisingly by the end of 2009. Here a screenshot of their website, and I can share almost the emotions with Tirza and Nick when we had to close StarDuS Clubhouse early this year. Somehow, I felt that I had to be there with SDS colleagues when we finally shut the doors and said goodbye, and to witness that final moment.
It was such a pity that a mission so great will be decommissioned. I wondered how these volunteers felt. When we were onboard MV Doulos, the crew were busily themselves with various tasks at hand and there was not a single clue signalling the end of a journey. I should have at least do my bit by getting some books which I didn't.

Oliver and I taking a shot with the Lifeboat which Oliver kept saying that he wanted to take the boat.

Goodbye MV Doulos. I believe you will be remembered dearly.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Waiting for the Great Trolley Bus

Boon Heng said this shot reminded him of something. I was thinking the same when I took this shot. You have the same thought too?

Friday, December 18, 2009

December School Holidays

The month of December is school holidays for all schools in Singapore. But not for Afterschool Care Centres, life still goes on. Working parents like us count for them so that we can continue to work our head off. However, this December, Del-Care became a hot spot for the HFMD, as almost everyday, we would receive an sms from Jeanette informing of yet another kid down with HFMD. Some of these kids who caught the virus are Edison, Veron, Vivian, Vera, Sebastian, JiaEn, JiaJun, Cayden and Faith Wong. Every morning when I woke up, I would examine Oliver's hands and legs for red spots. We are now worrying our head off with Oliver catching the virus and worse, passing it to Heidi. If Heidi would to fall sick, it would mean that one of us have to take leave to look after her, unlike Oliver who could stay at his grandma's place. So we decide to declare school holiday for delcare today and tommorrow only for Oliver though. Away from HFMD, well at least for 2 days.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Splashing good time with Nate

Shot taken by Maye, Nate's mum

A pity that both are male. Otherwise, they could well be childhood lovers. Oliver and Nate having good time stepping on puddles of rainwater after watching Thomas Live.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


The finale for the Botanic Gardens 150th Anniversary celebration was a concert at the Symphony Stage. Another attraction was the Christmas trees adopted by various organisations like embassies, schools, government, VWOs, etc that lined the path in the garden.

We made our way to the garden at about 4.30pm, as I feared that the car park would be packed. It was a mad rush for Sophia who had to prepare sushi in between fetching them from school and leaving for the garden. The weather always threatened to rain, but we had some time to look at some of the decorated trees while waiting for Jiajun's family to join us.

Some of the trees were very creatively decorated, while some were pretty boring and unimaginative.

Delcare also has a tree near the stage. In fact it was one of the first few trees after the obligatory ones from the embassies that lined the visitor centre entrance. It was quite well done up by the students of the after-school care, with hand prints from the kids from almost all the classes.

It wasn't long before we found the handprints of most of Oliver's classmates. And of course, we also found Oliver's yellow handprint hanging on the tree.

When the Pans arrived, we settled down for our picnic and soon we were busy feeding the kids and making sure that they don't mess us up too much.

Mah Bow Tan was the guest-of-honour, and the concert was supposed to start at 6.30pm.

But obviously, his watch was not working properly. By the time he arrived it was 7pm. The concert finally got underway, but by then we felt drizzle and had to make the call to pack up and go, after the first piece was played. So all the waiting was really in vain. But luckily it was quite enjoyable and luckily we decided to leave as it began to rain quite heavily after we drove off. I wondered if the rain would dispel the crowd. It really is a pity if the people who came all the way for the concert didn't get to enjoy it due to the organiser not being able to keep to schedule.

Thomas Live

I don't know when it started, but the Thomas the Train frenzy also got hold of Oliver. It's easy to understand why kids loveThomas & Friends, with its colourful trains and different characters, and of course the host of merchandise like t-shirts, train sets, books and videos, and catchy tunes.

And of course the musical. We had wanted to bring Oliver to watch the musical after learning that it would come to Singapore in early December, but didn't want to get the tickets early in case he falls sick on the day of the show, and also waiting for more discounts in case ticket sale is bad (it didn't happen).

So we booked the tickets on the morning of the Friday matinee show, picking up Oliver earlier than usual from Delcare. When we reached the indoor stadium, there are already a lot of kids and parents queueing to go in.

We got the very last row of the circus seat, lest Oliver is afraid of the loud noise or stage actors. The stage was pretty far away, but luckily Thomas, James, Percy and Gordon came on, we could all see clearly, as they, being trains, had to be big. I could see that Oliver was quietly excited during the whole show, and towards the end of the show, he was clapping along.

We had known that Nate and his mom would be there as well. After the show, we met up for dinner at Brewerkz at Stadium Cove. Oliver and Nate had a great time jumping on puddles of water and running about.
Nate's mom told us that Nate is quite a fanatic, he could recognise and name all the characters of the series. That's quite amazing as there could easily be more than 50 of them.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Outing with Kenneth and Jaydon

Oliver's first ride on the Rivercruise along Singapore River together with Jaydon.

Jaydon with Kenneth

Jaydon looking all excited in the cruise boat.

Heidi posing as Miss Azura, Oliver's teacher in school.

The boat headed towards Merlion, one of Oliver's favourite spot.

The loyals enjoying their caviar in their carriage while their slaves worked hard to earn their keep.

Why do I get this feeling that food given by others always taste better than those which I cooked with my heart and soul.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Del-Care Graduation for K2 & Games Day at HortPark

Vera (fourth from right) holding an imaginary scroll while rehearsing the graduation process.

Oliver was in yellow team

Jiajun in red team together with my niece Veron.

Damien, Claire, Benjamin, Edison with Eri behind him.
The girl in red behind Damien will probably be the new addition to Del-care.
Boon Heng is eyeing her to be Oliver's potential girlfriend.

Kate and Keira looking curious

Most kids had red flushed cheeks due to the hot outdoor air at HortPark.

Boon Heng wearing yellow colour t-shirt to support Oliver.

Probably one of the precious moments in Vera's life as she moved on to Primary one at River Valley Primary School after spending about 3 years in Del-Care.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bio of Oliver

We bought this Roundhouse Portable Playset that comes with a Thomas Diecast Train.

Heidi gave Oliver this diecast train by the name of Oliver. In exchange, Oliver also gave Heidi another Train, James. Both are happy now (that's the trick!). Haha.
Oliver is the no.11 train.
His Bio
Name: Oliver
Colors: Green
Bio: Oliver was saved from being scrapped by Douglas. He was given a new coat of green paint and now proudly works on Duck's branch line.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Birthday celebration with family

It was a cloudy and yet hot day on 22 November 2009 with Oliver turning three today. I took a shoot of the Singapore Flyer which Oliver loves to look at everytime we drove past the Benjamin Sheares Bridge.
Today, Oliver was simply not interested to look at the Flyer. He had eyes only for his new muse, Thomas. He looked at Thomas almost thoughout the journey.

Heidi, on the other hand, could not be bothered with Oliver. She was enjoying her power nap.

This morning, we were heading towards East Coast Park to join Boon Heng's family at Waraku Japanese Dinning Restaurant. We choose the place as they had private room for reservation.
As usual, we were the last to arrive no matter how early we tried to leave the house, but still on time lah (me being a punctual freak).

Too bad, Oliver's grandpa could not join us. We should perhap not bring along Oliver's train station as he was totally submerged in his Thomas' world and was not interacting. It was only when the server bought in the birthday cake that he tuned in to the real world. Green tea cake again this year, but without the train. Unlike in school and at home where Oliver belt out the birthday song, today he was enjoying everyone's singing as he sang happily and in a softer tone to himself. We witnessed moments of shyness in him as everyone sang and celebrated his birthday. Oliver, however, wasted no time when it came to blowing the candles making sure he beat his cousin to it. Earlier, Oliver's gu gu and cousin were teasing him about not letting him blow his candles as he blew the birthday candles before his cousin could during her birthday.

Proudly cutting his cake.

Oliver's grandma endearingly placed her hand on Oliver's hand so that he can cut his cake.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Oliver's 3! Birthday Celebration in School

This is the final selection by Oliver after browsing through the various cake design on Thomas & Friends' series. He loves long train!

In Anticipation of the Birthday Cake

Striking a pose with Teachers Ms Grace, Ms Azura and Chen Laoshi

Oliver celebrating his birthday in a photoshot not too perfect, but this picture perfectly epitomise his reckless 3-year old personality in his blue-black eye injury.

"Finally, I can have my cake and eat it." Oliver's first bite of cake in school. He ate a total of four slices to make up for his 'loss'.

Boon Heng and I forgot to inform his school that Oliver could eat egg now. Almost when Oliver was 20 months old, I told school not to give Oliver any egg and poor Oliver has eversince being deprived of eating cakes in school. We only know it today when the Auntie, aka, chef of the school, asked if Oliver could eat the cake we bought. Alas...we only realise it now after so long. This is a clear sign of busy parents neglecting their kid.. and we felt so bad about it.

Oliver, being a good brother, fed the chocolate cake to Heidi.

That goes the 3 years old birthday celebration in school.
Come Sunday, we shall have another birthday celebration with Oliver's Grandparents.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby Massage

We went for the baby massage a few months ago, but has since stopped for a while. This is quite a popular place that most parents who believe in TCM would have heard of, and you can find some reviews of them at some baby forums. And judging by the long queues and limited car park facility, the place seems pretty popular for babies with minor ailments.

For the last couple of weeks, both Oliver and Heidi have been coughing very badly in the middle of the night. Nothing too serious I guess but they seems to have a lot of phlegm and occasionally, the prolonged and persistent coughing made them throw out their food all over the bed.

So last Monday, we brought them back again just to seek some relief.

Surprisingly, Oliver took on to the massage and masseur very well. He wasted no time jumping into the bed and just let the masseur do her job.

But Heidi as usual needs a bit of distraction and coaxing. And the biscuit Sophia brought along came in handy.