Thursday, April 16, 2009


Over the weekend, while Heidi was still quite sick, we still brought them out on Sunday for breakfast and to our usual Clarke Quay fountain. We waited very long for the fountain to start as we were early, not knowing that it only flows at noon.

As Oliver has been staying with my mum since Wednesday, we thought that Oliver deserved a day out and also, we wanted to expend both their energies. Probably like most kids, they seem less cranky outdoors.

After that we headed to Suntec for lunch and eventually dinner. While we were at Carrefour, Oliver kept running about. We were looking for a nursery room to feed Heidi (there used to be one in Carrefour). In the blink of an eye Oliver was gone. I thought he was still in the maze of clothes and racks, so I stepped back to the main walkway waiting for him to dart out.

Seconds ticked by and still no sign of Oliver. So I went into the rows to comb for Oliver.

Still no sign of him! I peeped under the fitting room just to see if Oliver is with Sophia. No.

More searching and running along the rows to spot Oliver, by now 5 minutes must have passed. I was also starting to imagine the hassle of going to the information counter (which I thought only happen to other parents) to make the announcement. Or worse, to the police station. I was sweating cold sweat.

I began to panic, and frantically called Sophia (she was feeding Heidi in the fitting room).

So both of us (with Heidi) start searching for Oliver. I ran through and scan almost all the rows from one end to the other where the clothes section ends.

But as fast as he disappeared, Sophia spotted Oliver running along the aisle at the bed section. which is diagonally opposite from where I first lost him, and quite a distance away for a kid. It was one hell of a relief to see Oliver safe and sound. We wondered if he realised that we lost him for a while. Or maybe he was the one who lost us.