Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oliver Hours

It may sound stupid to hear me saying that I miss Oliver since I see Oliver every day. But yet, I miss him. And that's why and how Oliver Hours started.

From Monday to Friday, Oliver spends almost 12 hours in school each day. Each night, we only spend two hours together. If I will to take out the time I take care of Heidi, showering her and feeding her, I probably only spend less than one hour with Oliver. For most Saturdays, we will send Oliver to school for half a day so that we can do some housework and time to relax before the gruelling weekend starts with two kids fighting for our attention.

I think it has not been easy for Oliver to share his parents with Heidi. It is part of his growing up. Good and bad. Good for Oliver as he has the full attention of two parents before Heidi comes along. Bad for Oliver when he has to learn to cope with the new change after Heidi comes along. Bad for Heidi as she does not have the luxury having two parents' full attention on her. Good for Heidi as it is a matter of fact that she need not learn to adapt to sharing her parents with another sibling since birth. Guess, there is nothing perfect in life.

For these reasons, Boon Heng and I thought we should spend quality time with Oliver and Oliver alone. It is important to me that Oliver will not feel being neglected and that we still love him as much as before. And therefore Oliver Hours come along.