Sunday, September 26, 2010

Formula One Racing 2010

Heidi looking more excited than me. Actually I was quite excited too, free tixs from my company, so managed to get all 4 of us to our first F1 race.

Some vintage cars at the Zone 4 walkabout. There were also 2 Alfas on display.

A fringe performance at the Padang. The weather was thankfully good for the 3 days of F1, and it poured the day after. The organiser must really have good karma.

Earplug was absolutely necessary. Luckily we bought them at the entrance. After a few rounds, even we couldn't take the noise and had to stuck tissue papers into our ears.

The F1 cars were so fast even though they had just turned a bend. Our camera couldn't match up. We left halfway through the race, as Oliver and Heidi have had enough and were willing to go.