Friday, September 10, 2010

To the Zoo

It has been quite a while since we last visited the zoo. We decided to go again last Friday, a public holiday (Hari Raya). It was the first time we visited the zoo during a public holiday, and the zoo was swarmed with people. The weather was quite cooling as there was a heavy downpour just before we reached the zoo.

Standing next to Oliver is Raidon Ma, my poly friend Caroline's elder son. Both are borned in the year of Dog. Oliver in November and Raidon in December. Adeline, another poly friend said that Raidon looks like eurasian and Oliver like Japanese. Not sure she meant the look, but I certainly agree with the height. I think Oliver will never match up to Raidon in term of height. Already, Raidon is a head taller. Oh man, what kind of food did Raidon's parents give him? They are making him growing so fast and tall. Perhap, it is more like Oliver's fuzzy eating habit of just eating white rice, white bread with nothing on it and CORNS! Oliver is crazy with corns, he can eat two whole corn by himself. I seriously think his past life must be a rooster. I mean look at his head with thick mane of hair. Don't I make sense. A mother's instinct is always right. Ok, if he is not a rooster, then he had to be a dog. His sense of smell is extremely sharp. Once I bought a loaf of bread and the moment I got back into the car with Oliver waiting. He said he smell bread. When Heidi poo, he could also sense it from afar. Sometime, he would sniff his food before he decides whether to give it a try. What a cute Japanese puppy I have.

Raidon was quite good with horse riding. Oliver had a bit of difficulty playing it, but he sure learned fast. The boys collided but surprisely, they were laughing over it. I was expecting them to make noise or scream at each other.

Although both of them wanted to sit in front, Oliver seemed to oblige with Raidon siting in front. Showing the big brother's spirit to Raidon, after two years' of hard training by Heidi.

Just realise that I did not take any shot of Xavion, the charming brother of Raidon. What a waste! He is really adorable and charming, especially when he looks at you as if you are the only person in the world. Blame it on my ever forgetful brain...

Boys being boys. Both are crazy about this truck at the zoo.

We reached the zoo at around 11 am and left around 5pm. An exhausted Heidi slept during the tram ride, while Oliver endured right till the end and dozed off almost immediately on our journey back home. To the zoo, we shall come again!