Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We were at Chingay for both parades. First night we were working, but we brought Heidi and Oliver there on the 2nd night. This was behind the F1 Pit where there were many booths, performers, exhibits etc as part of the pre-show.
Some cosplay characters posing. Oliver and Heidi didn't want to go near, as they were quite shell-shocked by the colours and commotion around them.
As we were heading to the entrance I saw a troop of scout troopers and stormtroopers marching hurriedly behind us towards the start of the parade. I turned around and recognised the first one in the pack.
It was Edvan hamming it up as Emperor Palpatine's army.
Heidi just woke up from her quick nap as the parade was about to begin. The man behind us is kinda funny.
We hanged around with some of the contingents at the waiting area awaiting for the start of the parade. Baby Hee was also there to cover the event. He seemed to be wearing the same headdress as Edvan... is he a stormtrooper too?