Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our Town

That is one of Oliver's favourite song from the Cars movie.

Whenever the song came on during the later part of the show, he would listen attentively. Sometimes he would ask why the song is so sad.
It tells of a town that used to flourish, but has been bypassed due to development.

Until Lightning McQueen came and saved it from extinction of course.
Lightning McQueen

It reminds me of Queenstown, or more specifically Margaret Drive, near where I grew up. It used to be quite a happening place, with 3 cinemas, a polyclinic, a library, and a Tai Chung Emporium. Lots of schools there too, including mine, which has since defunct.

Of course the nexus of the place is the hawker centre, which has survived until now. Lots of good food there like the chicken rice and guotie on the 2nd level, the char kway teow and dessert store on the 1st.

Sadly all of them are either gone or will be gone in a few weeks' time, if not days.

We were there a couple of times recently. Oliver and Heidi quite like the place and will run round the drain gratings.