Friday, March 22, 2013

First real dental visit

After Oliver's dramatic fall in France which he lost four teeth, we are extremely concerned with his teeth growth and its structure. Today's visit to Dr Justin marked the second consultation. The first consultation was just look and see by Dr Justin, and he did not charge us at all. Today, I am quite keen to have Oliver's teeth clean, as there were stains building up all around his teeth. And to add to my determination, it was great to see Oliver helping himself to sit on the dental seat once we entered the room and happily laying there waiting to have his teeth checked.

I am quite impressed with Oliver. For a moment of two, I saw his legs straightened and hand slightly lifted because of pain, but he was all smiles when the wash was completed. Dr Justin did a great job assuring him, showing him how the brush with crunchy toothpaste worked, first on his hand, then Oliver's.

Now, Oliver is all too ready to roar with his clean white teeth.