Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oliver's daily breakfast

Oliver is getting used to his daily life as a Primary student. Everyday, he will not wake up until we do so. He can sleep until 11am, if we do not stir him. Usually, we start our day with breakfast together after fetching Heidi to child care centre. Our breakfast hangouts are the good old traditional porridge from Teo Heng porridge or the succulent rice rolls at Amoy Street market. We drank our tea at the Thong Siak St coffee shop, although the shop is known for their thick coffee. Oliver will have his half boiled egg and toast kaya bread. Another favorite place is the La Zhe Mian stall at Maxwell market. Boon Heng and I would get a plate of mee hoon and a bowl of mee suan toppled with ngoh Hiang, popiah, luncheon meat and fish cake. Oliver prefers the healthier rice rolls- bai de, that is, no sweet sauce added. Sometime, when Boon Heng needs to rush to work, we will just have Roti Prata near the child care centre. At every meal, Oliver will have his Milo. Once a while, if it is just Oliver and I, we go to the nearby Tanjong Pagar market, where it is famous for its Nasi Lemak, Yong Tau Foo, Lu Mian and peanut ice Kacang, we have his newfound favorite drink, grass jelly.

As far as possible, we try to eat heavy at breakfast, and have light lunch at 11 am before we leave the house at 12 noon. These days, Lunch are just lot of fruits. To fill up his stomach, Oliver eat a slice of bread or munch his favourite Oreo biscuits.

Life can be mundane, but it feels good to grow up with my son.