Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Promotion to Core level

It is a great news that Oliver's hard work pay off when he is being promoted from Bridging to Core level in Chinese. Although he missed his test, I am glad to know that he isn't penalized from being absent. 

Even when Oliver fell sick for the past two weeks, he was not spared from homework. His teacher Ms Emily Seow diligently asked us to give Oliver spelling at home and passed back to her for marking.
This note written by Ms Seow showed how much effort she had put him to ensure her students improved continuously (at home) which had me struggling. Not forgetting there were also other subjects and its homework. Gosh, what kind of system we have in Singapore. Homework is more important than health?  But having said this, I am very much appreciative of teacher's effort, although I cannot help to think that these teachers are also in the same situation which the social norms and pressure had made it impossible not to do so.