Monday, November 4, 2013

What a relief!

28 October - Oliver's fever went away by the 7th day and went for blood count test on Monday. Blood count went up to 129 but still below the healthy range of 140.  Doctor gave three more days of medical leave so that Oliver could have enough rest at home. Oliver said he was so lucky to avoid all his assessment in school; last paper on Thursday. I rebutted that he wasn't that lucky. If he could take the Chinese assessment, Ms Seow, his Chinese teacher said he could switch to Core level from his current Bridging level. He shrugged his shoulder and seemed disappointed.  

31 October - We were very hopeful that Oliver's condition improved. He ate more the past few days (probably because he overheard doctor saying if he takes lesser than 50% of his usual meal and drink very little, it is advisable to admit him). The dengue test we took on Monday was negative.  However, doctor's explanation confused me.  She explained that the strain in the blood was very similar to dengue fever, although the result showed it being negative. But it is really a relief for us for that moment. Well, now is Heidi's turn to fall sick. Poor Heidi also had fever.