Sunday, December 9, 2007

Andy & Jess

Just realise that everyone in the picture is looking at us. Maybe Andy looks a bit like Eminem. Haha.

I have known Jess since December 2001 when we were watchmates at Outward Bound New Zealand. That seems like a long time ago. Anyway, Jess is the only watchmate whom I've kept in constant contact. We also got to know her husband Andy, and they Sophia, when we went over to NZ in 2005. They are such an amazing and funny couple that I always look forward to their visits.

This is the 3rd time that they were in Singapore, and the 1st time they've seen Oliver. This time round they were here with their students for a touch rugby competition at the American School. They are currently teaching at a school in the Philippines.

We only had a short time to catch up last Sunday and we brought them to Simply Bread. Oliver was in a good mood that day and made friends with Andy and Jess in no time.

Jess is also expecting and ETA is 1 April. Haha... I'm guessing a baby girl while Sophia thinks Jess will have a boy. We shall see.