Sunday, December 30, 2007

Oliver at Raffles Place

Now that Oliver can walk, he cannot sit still in his stroller for long. Boon Heng and I once again have to crack our brains to think of new places to bring Oliver to. The ideal place should have big space, sheltered from rain and sun, flat ground, not too crowded and nice scenery.

And the best place we can think so far is UOB building at Raffles Place. It has a big foyer which Oliver can wander around safely. The view of Singapore River bustling with boat activities, but not too packed with people at UOB.

The journey starts off with a MRT ride from Tanjong Pagar MRT station. Although Raffles MRT station is just one stop away, Oliver is very uncomfortable sharing his "space" with other MRT commuters. They are too close to him for comfort. Once we reach there, Oliver refuses to be held. His spirit runs wild. And we are simply exhausted catching up with him. After the walk, we strolled down the Singapore River.

Along the way, there is this sculpture which Oliver gets very fearful of. He also likes watching the junk boat cruising along the river.

One strange thing happens that day. We don't seem to be able to cross the bridge to the other side of the river. Halfway mark, the sky will start to pour and this happens not once, but twice.
We wait for the rain to subside so that we can continue our walk. But once we reach the bridge, it starts drizzling. Mmm.. we will try our luck crossing the bridge next time and see if it rains again.